May 23, 2013

Oklahoma Strong

     I have taken a little hiatus from the blog every day in May challenge. It was not planned or expected, but it happened. Life happens. I am still just overwhelmed with the horrific events in Oklahoma. As I am writing right now we are in a third thunderstorm. There is currently flooding in central Oklahoma and this rain is halting and ruining the relief efforts in the tornado affected areas.

This morning driving to work, which it is my last day here and I am so sad, the north side of town was a beautiful sunrise and the south west side of town looked pure evil. The thunderstorm was rolling in and it was dark and full of lightning. It made the sky the weirdest shade of yellow.

I have continued to watch the 24/7 news coverage about the storms. I have donated and even drove down to Norman to lend a hand with the animals at the fair grounds. I can not imagine what those people are feeling, but I do know they are strong. They will rebuild. They will continue to find their animals and continue to show love and hope to everyone. I think the best thing that has come from all the media coverage is the stories of hope. There have been several instances during live interviews when people have uncovered their beloved pets from the rubble. It is truly a miracle. I am continuing to pray for everyone involved and going to give when I can. I encourage you to as well. There are many places accepting cash donations as well as online donations... really all you need to do is go to any local news or radio station's website. I know the Moore Animal shelter is also in need, as well as the Shawnee animal shelter.

The help is coming from all directions of the country right now. I know everyone is thankful for it, but Oklahoma will continue to need help for months.

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