September 23, 2014

Life Happenings

Lately I just haven't come up with any words to fill this space. I still read all my favorite blogs and continue to tell myself I am going to get back at it, but have yet to do it. I just don't feel like my life happenings are worth some one else reading.... then I remembered that I am the only one who reads this nonsense. So life lately has consisted of working... still working for the in-laws company and its fantastic. I love going to work everyday with family and my husband is right down the road at the other shop.

I am currently enrolled in Texas Teachers and working on getting my alternative certification and go back and forth daily on whether it was the right decision.

Dreaming... I am always dreaming. Mostly I dream of the future or even the past. I have really really struggled lately to find time to just be present in the now and to be content with this season of life that I am in. That is what I need to work on during this Fall season. Oh ya, today is the first day of Fall! It is 84 degrees out and the humidity level is about 40% so yeah we are feeling ya Fall. Keep it coming.

This past weekend Cam and I loaded up the pop up camper, packed our bags, grabbed Deuce, and headed to my Papa's. Cam wanted to camp out hoping for the Fall weather to arrive... we mostly ended up sweating and getting eaten alive by mosquitos but it was fun! :) Hoping that next time we make it out there the weather cooperates and we see lots of deer and turkey!  

A man in overalls is the direct route to my heart

brand new calfs are pretty sweet

We also celebrated Niece number 3's 2nd birthday Saturday. She was as sweet as can be and it makes me sad that we don't get to see her very often.

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