June 3, 2016

Cambree 4 Weeks


I don't even know where the time has gone... My tiny newborn is no longer tiny or a newborn. She is all stretched out and more alert everyday. We have had our baby girl for a full month and it has been the sweetest month of our lives. 

Taking these weekly pictures has been so fun and I can't believe how much she has changed already. Week 3 she was hamming it up for me and it also happens to be the week she started smiling at people. She is just the sweetest. 

Nicknames: baby girl, Cammy, sissy, and cutie Cammy

Weight: 8 pounds 7 ounces. We had some issues gaining weight and keeping weight on in the beginning, but we have figured it out now. I plan on writing a post about our breastfeeding experience later. 

Clothes: She's mostly in newborn still. There are some brands of onesies that fit her that are 0-3 months. 

Diaper size: newborn

Likes: sleeping on our chest, staring at the fan, looking towards the outside sunlight, being talked to, eating, and bumpy car rides

Dislikes: being hungry, having gas (this just started this past week), cold water

Schedule: well, we don't really have one of these yet. With our wonky feeding experience and crazy travels we haven't found our groove just yet. But, for the most part she eats every 2-3 hours, will sometimes be awake for a full hour or more, and then sleeps and wakes up and we do it al over again. She has slept 6 hours at a time one night and usually stretches her night time feedings 3-4 hours. 

Milestones: she will smile back at you now and it's the cutest thing ever. She follows you and other objects with her eyes. She knows who mama and daddy are. She was super close to rolling over from back to front at the doctor's office during her one month weight check. We told her to slow her roll. She holds her head up pretty well and loves looking around. She has started to make noises, they are more like squeaks, when you talk to her. I think she will be talking and cooing back to us pretty soon. 

Other milestones: little bit has been to Abilene and back twice as well as road tripped to Oklahoma. She's a champ! 

Looking forward to: our Colorado road trip and the trip to Cabo! We leave for the mountains soon and then next month we will jet set to Mexico. Yes, she has her passport already and we can't wait for our tag along! We are also planning her baby dedication at church and we can't wait for that special day. 

Cambree Reece,

Life is so sweet with you in it. Being your mama is the best thing I've ever done. Your daddy and I are infatuated with you. You have stolen the hearts of all of your grandparents as well as each of your aunts and uncles. I can't give your sweet cheeks enough kisses and I could stare into your eyes all day long. I miss you even if you're in the same room or when you go to sleep. I love watching you're daddy love on you. He is truly the sweetest with you and I can't wait to watch y'all's relationship grow. You're the perfect addition to our lives. I can't imagine life without you in it baby girl. 

Your Mama

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