The annual ski trip of 2015 was the craziest yet...
The day after Christmas we loaded up the camper and our truck and took both dogs to Abilene. We celebrate a third Christmas with Paw Paw and that side of the family each Saturday after Christmas. We were set to leave Sunday morning and head to the mountains for our annual ski trip. However, we had been keeping up with the news and knew that a big winter storm was about to hit west Texas so we decided to leave Saturday night and try to beat the storm. We made it about 3 hours out of Abilene and then the first crazy thing of the trip occurred.
Cam's truck broke down on the side of the highway. Temperatures were dropping, it was already about 10 pm and we were outside a tiny town called Snyder. So there we were Cam, Cory, myself, and our two dogs along with the camper stuck on the highway. Luckily Jim and Cheryl were traveling with us while the others went on up to Lubbock and Denver City. Cheryl booked a hotel and the dogs experienced an elevator and double bed for the first time. Griffey freaked out in the elevator, wouldn't pee on a leash or in the frigid weather, but he was a huge fan of the double bed situation. Luckily, Cory doesn't mind cosleeping with a little red dog because you better believe Griffey snuggled with him and the pillows all night.

The boys got back to the hotel around 2am after getting the truck towed to a dealer. They happily crawled into the warm beds and took turns snoring through out the night, even Deuce joined in! That morning Cam met a pastor in the breakfast area of the hotel who also happened to be a diesel mechanic... coincidence? I think not, definitely a God thing. He offered to look at Cams truck and see if he could help, but Cam's truck ended up being too dead to do anything. So we made the plan to pack up Jim and Cheryl's car, pile in, and make it to Lubbock.
Griffey learned the art of napping in the hotel right before we were leaving...
He did master the art of mirror selfie with mom just in time though
Woo we are so so thankful for awesome in laws that love our crazy!
Griffey wanted to thank them by laying half with them and half with Cam and I.
Monday the boys and Randi and her friends went up to the mountain to ski, but Cheryl and Ally decided to hang out with Jim and myself. We relaxed and went to town to grocery shop. The boys came back and said it was the best day of skiing ever. Ally and Cheryl skied the next two days. I think it snowed every day up on the mountain and the last day it snowed so much we couldn't even see the mountain while driving up. It was a great ski trip filled with lots of memories!

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