March 15, 2013

Friday Letters

    Today I am linking up with Ashley over at the Sweet Season for my very first edition of Friday Letters.

Dear Friday: Thank you for finally showing up... this was one of the slowest weeks ever. You are also the official start of my Spring Break!

Dear Cam: Thank you for being you. We had a great conversation about the future yesterday while you were cooking dinner. I love that you think about those types of things. You also always know how to make me laugh even with I am super mad at you... Also sorry for those crazy emotions. I am a girl what can I say? :)

Dear Kennedy: I can not wait for you and Kelsey to get here. Thank you for wanting to spend your weekend with me :)

Dear Baseball: I am ready for you... Please be nice to us and lets have a great baseball weekend!

Dear Sun: I am so glad you are deciding to come out today... I can not wait for the 80 degree weather you will be bringing... If you could just stick around until about December that would be fantastic.

Dear Deuce: You sure know how to make a girl feel loved. Thank you for cuddling with me while watching Duck Dynasty.


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