Last week I had shared the photo below on my Facebook. Little did I know that it would lead me to a heart breaking story and one amazing lady in the great state of Texas.
The Lazy Pit Bull had originally posted this photo and story. Earlier this week I sat down to read the whole story of Alex and his owner Mali. It was absolutely heart breaking. I encourage you all to visit I Am Alex on facebook and give some love to Mali. She deserves it and she needs it.
Anyways... to start Mali has begun the "I AM ALEX" movement as way to be an ambassador for the "bully breeds". She explains that the label "bully breed" includes all breeds that have a bad reputation and have been "black balled" from society. If you know anything about the dog world or have watched the news ever you know that Pit Bulls and Pit-mixes have a bad reputation and are misunderstood.
Back to the story of Alex... He was not a Pit Bull at all. He was a Molosser which is a Cane Corso and Italian Mastiff mix. Absolutely beautiful is what I like to call him. Mali, Alex, and family live in a town outside of Houston, Texas. On March 2, 2013 Alex was murdered. Alex had gotten out of the back yard because a fence had blown down and Mali searched tirelessly for hours upon hours to find Alex. The Tomball Police were also trying their best to help find Alex. On March 4th, two days later, they had received an anonymous tip from an eye witness saying he had spotted a "giant black pitbull and he had been killed and drug into the woods".
Yes... you can pick your jaw up from the ground and grab those Kleenex. Someone killed Alex and left him in the woods.
I can not imagine. I do not want to imagine. I do not have words for the person who completed that horrible act. I am not even going to waste my time and energy worrying about him or her.
I am writing this post for Mali. I want her to know that we hear her and her message is being spread throughout the country. I want Mali to know she did everything she humanly could to bring back Alex. Just like a mother, she loved Alex unconditionally. There will never be another Alex. But... There are so many other dogs that need our love and our help.
Now more than ever. We need to stand up for the voiceless. We need to open our minds and our hearts.
I hope you go "like"
I AM ALEX on facebook and send up a pray or two for Mali and everyone involved in this. More than that... I hope you go love on your own dogs.
"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog.
You are his life, his love, his leader.
He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart.
You owe it to him to be worth of such devotion."
I fully support the I Am Alex movement and am posting this picture for him. I personally have two big dogs who happen to be the sweetest pups I know. If you would like to join me in support of Mali and Alex just send me your pictures or post them on to his facebook page.