December 16, 2013

Highlight Video

Well... I am finally getting around to working on things other than school psychology or ethics and I am so glad. Let's just say this first semester of grad school was a doozy. 

While I catch my breath and allow my brain to catch up with the rest of my mind I am going to share my highlight video. I have to say that I absolutely loved our video! The quality is great and I love watching it! George Street Photo and Video is where it is at!

September 20, 2013

Our First Look

     We chose to do our first look in the chapel area at the Northeast Wedding Chapel.
To be totally honest I do not actually remember everything from that moment. It was all happening so fast and I was totally flooded with emotions. Before our first look... actually before the big day I remember thinking that I would probably cry (happy tears, don't worry) just like I had seen in all the other wedding pictures I had found on Pinterest or have a super cute expression like my sister-in-law did. Surprisingly, I think the first words out of my mouth were "do you like my dress?" I am not sure what I was thinking... obviously the man is going to like my dress... what groom is going to tell their bride no?...

Anyways, back to the story telling. It was arranged that we would be at the alter and Cam would be facing the opposite way of the doors I would be walking in. I was to walk up and touch his left shoulder so he could turn around... I tapped his right and his first words were "you touched the wrong shoulder". Gosh... We are some romantic people! Ha!

He had THE biggest smile I have ever seen and let me tell ya, that boy has a huge smile! I was completely elated and floating on cloud 9. I remember holding his hand and hugging him. It was perfect! We then looked over and noticed our moms were peaking in at the end of the isle! :)

Our "first look" was perfect and I wish I could relive it every day!

All pictures were taken by George Street Photo & Video

September 13, 2013

The Wedding: Getting Ready Part 2

    So, I left off at the hotel... Shortly after the photographer arrived the girls got into their dresses and everyone finished up hair and make up. We were set to arrive at the Chapel at about 4:30 and meet the boys for our "First Look".

The Northeast Wedding Chapel has a gorgeous brides room so I really wanted to document putting my dress on in there.

I absolutely love everything that my photographer captured... I am really really anxious and ready to see our video! The expressions of my family and loved ones are so special and perfect. I love reliving this beautiful day each time I look at these pictures. All pictures were taken by George Street Photo and Video.

Those faces... I love them! The coolest part about looking back at these pictures is seeing the absolute love pouring from the expressions of my dearest friends. 

This was a little pocket with a lucky 2013 penny sewn inside. 
My Aunt Pam gave it to me. 

I was showing him my Papa's shirt sewn into my dress.

My gram

My Papa... The love I have for those two is immeasurable. 

While we were waiting my precious sister-in-law asked if she could say a prayer... 
How did I get so blessed?

Next up: The First Look!

September 7, 2013

The Wedding: Getting Ready Part 1

    The night before the wedding my sister and I stayed in the hotel that we would be getting ready in the next day. We arrived to the hotel after our rehearsal dinner, which was perfect and perfectly "us"... family, fun, and food! I am so glad I had this extra alone time to spend with my little sister.

The morning of the wedding was just as I had wanted it. I slept in and listened to the sound of the rain hitting the windows... Yes, it was raining in July in Texas! Crazy... not expected... totally turned out just fine! Kennedy brought me breakfast in bed, which was of course my most favorite Fruit Loops. :) 

We then were able to take cold and hot showers... some how the hot water ran out in the hotel while Kenn was in the shower. She was not amused. I thought I would have been so nervous and anxious this morning that I would not be able to sit still or eat, but to my surprise I was completely calm.

Around lunch time all my girls started showing up! Kennedy and I had their "getting ready" shirts hung with their personalized hangers ready for them. My mother-in-law and sister-in-laws were sweet enough to pick up Panera bread for us all... another one of my favorite foods :)

Nancy had asked me if she could do my make up for my wedding about two years ago while we were walking in the Susan G. Komen 3-day.... She was a little a head of herself, but I was so honored that she wanted to do such a big thing for me! She arrived and worked her magic :). 

Morgan did my hair for my bridal pictures and I absolutely loved it so I of course had her come to the hotel and do my hair and the others girls hair as well! I cheered in high school with Morgan so it was fun to catch up and be together on this big day. 

I can not say enough good things about my sweet friends and sisters... I somehow was blessed with the world's best family and friends! I am so happy that I was able to share those sweet moments with them while we all got pretty. My bridesmaids were so thoughtful that they made me a book entitled "Letters to the Bride". It was so sweet and sentimental filled with memories and well wishes. We read them aloud and this is when the crying for the day started... Happy tears of course. 

My gram came to the room to sew in a piece of my Papa's shirt with our wedding date embroidered on it... This was my something borrowed :)

The boys were getting ready in the room down the hall... I had a beer cake tower in there as a surprise for them and I got the sweetest text from the best men saying they loved it.

Cam's gift to me was an initial necklace from James Avery! I loved it and I loved the messengers as well!

Anyways... enough with words. Here are the pictures! These were taken by George Street Photo and Video or my lovely family! :) 

 Camden made Cam and I the cutest picture... it was complete with our little family Deuce, Cam, Bailee and Camden! Love that girl!

I think it is safe to say I have THE cutest and sweetest flower girls and ring bearer!

Part 2: coming up soon!