November 16, 2012

My Friday Night

  Tonight I am linking up with Stephanie and Katie for the Saw it. Pinned it. Did it. link up party!

The fact that I am up at 11:30 pm is historic in itself.... But what I really wanted this post to be about was my Christmas crafts that I worked on tonight. I usually find tons of ideas of things to make and really get myself excited about making them and then suck at making them. I then spiral downward into a negative mess. I also have little patience when it comes to things I have to do that involve being creative...

Anyways... These crafts were fun and I love them! They also did not take 800 hours. Ok, they did take a while. I blame this on the fact that I was watching the movie Bridesmaids while crafting. I highly recommend this movie while doing anything. Hilarious!

Craft # 1: The Burlap Banner

I have been obsessed with every banner I have come across lately... This actually started in the summer. I made 8 banners for my bridesmaids and I still love them! I have been waiting to make a burlap banner that I have seen all over Pinterest and the blog world! Here is my Noel banner. It is not done yet because the paint was not dry and now I am tucked in my bed and unable to get up ;)

There is about 500 different tutorials on this project... The hardest part about this craft was cutting the burlap semi straight and outlining the stencil. Overall super easy!

Craft # 2: Glitter Reindeer and Snowglobes

This craft I found Pinterest... Where I find everything. Anything I ever do again will be from Pinterest is some way. It is a genius website. The original blog that this awesome project is from is from Daisy Dreaming. She is the one who also gives a tutorial on the snow globe mason jars! The Reindeer and Tree were also pretty easy to make. Disclaimer: do not do anything with glitter on your bed... You will have glitter for days!

The hardest part about this craft was cleaning up the glitter. I love how my gold reindeer turned out. I almost did not even buy the gold glitter thinking that I would not like it... good thing I did not listen to myself!

The snowglobes I originally saw on the Anthropologie website. They looked awesome and then I found the amazing DIY version on the Daisy Dreaming blog! I want to make more with different jars! I used two medium and one large for this project. The trees and the red ornament thing were found from Walmart. The next ones I make I want to put an ornament in! This is also one more reason to buy new ornaments! :)

Craft # 3: Burlap Ornament

This one is in the making... and by in the making I mean not started at all. MY craftiness left me at about 10 pm and my bed was calling my name! I do want to make these though and I do have the extra burlap. This particular tutorial is from the Beautiful Mess Blog... Stephanie is hosting a weekly link up party called "Saw it. Pinned it. Did it." and she featured this tutorial this week! As I said I have yet to do anything with this project but, Steph said that this one is pretty time consuming... but look how awesome those ornaments look!

November 12, 2012


Today marks the 6 Week countdown to Christmas!
6 weeks 6 weeks 6 weeks 6 weeks
   Ya hear that people, SIX WEEKS!!!

    Christmas time is my absolute favorite. Growing up my family always made a huge deal out of the holidays. My mom would have every inch of the house decorated, every window would have twinkly lights in them, and every room would smell like Christmas. Growing older I have learned to totally appreciate everything my mom and family has done for me. My Gram and Papa would come into town every year. Kenn and I have made Christmas cookies for Santa with my Papa for almost every year that I can remember. Our tree would look like it threw up presents... My dogs would get excited about opening presents. I can remember Kennedy I would wake up way to early in the morning and then right after we opened everything I would call Samantha and see what cool things she got! I cherish the traditions my family has started. I hope to continue these traditions with my future family. Its during these times that I wish I could be a kid again... Then again, I am also very glad I am old enough to understand the meaning behind the whole holiday.

I can not wait to decorate the house right after Thanksgiving. If it was up to me... I would probably decorate all year long. I just love coming home to a house light up by a big tree or driving down neighborhood streets and seeing every house decorated differently. It is just so much fun. 

I dream of the day when Cam and I have our own house to decorate together. He may not dream of this... He does not understand my love for Christmas decor, maybe one day he will. I can not wait to enjoy the little moments of this whole holiday season. I can not wait to spend time with my fiance and my whole family! 

I will have a huge bright tree in my home and my front door will look this awesome!

I can not wait to start traditions with our kids.

If you would like to put this sweet face under my tree I will not mind. :) 

I plan to make this nifty little craft this weekend... Hopefully it turns out :) 

November 8, 2012

Superstorm Sandy

    I wrote this post last week and never published it... The East coast is now being hit by crazy cold weather and a lot of snow. Been a pretty crazy year of weather. Still praying for everyone being affected and hope everyone stays warm and bundled up.

Sandy will go down in the history books for many reasons. This superstorm that hit the East Coast Tuesday, October 30th made its mark on the whole nation. New York is known as the "city that never sleeps". Well, it has been sleeping... There are still millions of people with out power all over the East coast. The pictures of the aftermath are hear-breaking. The stories that we will continue to hear throughout the process of cleaning up after this storm are heart-wrenching.

I followed this storm on the news and through social media just as millions of other people did. I watched from my quiet and warm town in Oklahoma. I felt the same feelings watching the devastation of this storm as I did back in 2001 when I was just a small 5th grader watching the Twin Towers fall to the ground.

While watching the news coverage of this storm I could not help but feel the pain and sorrow these people are going through. Many people have lost their lives, whole neighborhoods have burnt to the ground, so many houses are flooded and even floated away into the ocean.

Times like these make me thankful. I am thankful for the first responders. I am thankful for the news reporters who are also risking their lives and away from their own families in order to be able to update us. Thankful for the nurses and doctors at NYU Medical who kept so many patients alive during that power outage. I am thankful for the time spent with my own family.

Here are some of the most heart-wrenching pictures that will forever be engrained in my mind. Superstorm Sandy has taken away many things but, it has not taken away the hope of our nation. We will rebuild. We will remain thankful.

All pictures are taken from the abc news website. 

November 1, 2012

     Well... October is over November is officially here. This means that Christmas is just around the corner. I could do dream about Christmas time all year long. I could have Christmas decorations up, lights, the whole thing... I just love it! I love driving around looking at other houses. I love coming home to a house that is lit up and bright with beautiful lights and trees!...

BUT first... we need to finish the journey of the 2012 3-Day walk for the cure! I am so excited to finally be going to Dallas to walk with my family for the second time in a row! I will update on my instagram... I will also do a whole blog post when I am back. I hope to have a lot of pictures... this however is ALWAYS a challenge for me. I simply suck at taking pictures.
Back to the whole reason of this blog post... Remember that challenge I presented at the beginning of October? The whole wear pink every day thing. Well.... I kind of totally sucked at that too. I did however wear pink when I could. :) However, like normal I did not take any pictures... I blame this one the fact that I do not have a camera that takes good pictures. I mean the ancient I phone I have just does not cut it any longer and the Nikon cool pix camera I have will not even keep a charge long enough to take a picture. So, for now I am putting the blame on technology.

I think that this weekend will make up for not wearing pink every day because I will literally be drowning in pink! Susan G. Komen walkers and crew know exactly how cover the town in pink! I can not wait to hear the many amazing stories we will hear, meet new people, see all the smiling crew, and walk through the cheer stations!

Team Sporting Pink is coming for you Dallas!