February 29, 2012

February Photo A Day

February has come to a close.
 I was pretty successful in taking a picture every day of this month! 
Here are they are, enjoy! Thank you Fat mum slim for the challenge.

February 28, 2012

Dog Talk Tuesday

   Today is Tuesday and I want to talk about dogs. As you know, or soon will find out if you don't, I absolutely love dogs! I honestly do not understand how people can live in a house with out one (or a couple) :) . Growing up I have always had dogs in my life. Most of my memories of childhood are about my dogs. I love all sizes, shapes, and types of dogs. I have three dogs at my parent's house in Texas, Marley, Roxi, and Jinx. Here in Oklahoma we have Cam's dog Deuce. I love how each of the animals have completely different personalities. They are like little people with fur, I hold them all close to my heart. Marley is a Bullmastiff and I think is best explained as a goofball, she is 100lbs of funny. Roxi is an English bulldog and if you have ever had a bulldog you know they have huge personalities and that Roxi does. She is a complete sweet heart, but also has a wild side. Jinx is a miniature schnauzer and she is my baby. She is 12 years old, but will always be my sweet baby. Jinx is a firecracker, kind of like my mom. She is very protective and thinks she's the boss even though she weighs 15 lbs. I like to describe Deuce as being Cameron in a dog body. They are literally like twins. Deuce always can make me smile and he is great company up here in Oklahoma. He sure does love his Cam though! (which is perfectly fine with me because I do too!) So, I think I have bored yall enough with words... here are some pictures of the dogs in my life.

February 27, 2012


I am completely aware that today is Monday, one of the most despised days of the week. I am trying to think of this Monday in a different light. I have tons of things to get done, however no where near the amount of stuff as other people. So, today I am choosing to be thankful. I am thankful that I am here on this Earth. I am thankful that I have things to do. I am thankful that I am loved. I am thankful that I am able to love. I am thankful that I am 20 years old. I am thankful that I am a college student. I am thankful that I am a daughter. I am thankful that I am a sister. I am thankful that I am a friend. To you, yes you, reading my blog. You are wonderful and beautiful. You can conquer anything and everything. I am thankful for you. 

This little girl is a perfect example of how we should all try to feel daily. 
She will definitely make you smile.

February 24, 2012

Fun Friday!

    Today is Friday and I have very exciting plans for Deuce and myself. I am includding Deuce in my plans because, well he is always with me, and Cam is out of town. UCO baseball has traveled to Kingsville, Texas to play ball! I am still bummed that I am not there... but in order to keep myself occupied I have made up a list, a Fun Friday list. You are probably wondering what my fun Friday list consists of... Well, it consists of cleaning (everything top to bottom), vacuuming, laundry, eating Potato soup from Panera Bread, and curling up in bed to watch all of season 4 of One Tree Hill. :) I can not help but absoluetely love the feeling of a clean and yummy smelling house! Yep, I am a wild one! I might even throw in some time to read on my Kindle. :) I hope everyone has a fabulous fun Friday! 

This is the laundry room I will be pretending to do laundry in... 

This is a totally realistic idea of a bed. 

I hope everyone has a fabulous fun Friday! :)

February 22, 2012


It was a weekend full of baseball and the Mavroulis family! Can't think of a much better way to spend my weekend... :) Friday was UCO's home opener against Northwestern Missouri State. It was a crazy game to say the least... The coach got thrown out, Umps make bad calls, and we went into extra innings! Cam was the one to tie it up in the 9th which put us in extra innings (exciting)! We finally ended up hitting a walk off home run in the 11th inning! What a way to open up the season! Woo hoo! It was exciting for everyone... except the other team :) The games Saturday and Sunday were just as fun. Coby and Bradey were able to make it Sunday! That couldnt have made Cam more happier than to have his two brothers and dad watch him play they all love. The UCO Bronchos swept (winning all 4 games)! So thankful I get to spend my weekends like that! We need the O family, Randi, Hayes fam, and Breck to join us every other weekend as well! Here are some pictures taken by Cheryl from this great weekend! 

Photos by: Cheryl Mavroulis

P.S. Cam got his first homerun of the season yesterday and I got to see it! So proud!... you can check out a recap of the games at this link.